Media Info

Please Read First

Note: A separate application must be submitted for each staff member of a publication.

Credentials: Credentials can be picked up at the Press Conference the day before the meet or at the media entrance at Icahn Stadium on the day of the event, Sunday, Jun. 9. You will be required to show identification to pick up your credential. 2024 USATF NYC Grand Prix media credentials must be visible at all times at the press conferences and meet.

Freelance: We welcome freelance journalists, as long as they have an assignment from a recognized news outlet. Proof, in the form of a letter from the assigning editor, may be requested. No applications for freelancers will be processed without a URL to the publication and the name and contact information of the assigning editor. Thank you for your assistance.

Parking: Parking is available on Randalls Island near Icahn Stadium. Camera crews and others with special needs should contact the media director for more information.

Transmission: The USATF NYC Grand Prix will provide the media with free wireless internet access. There will be no hard wired telephone or ethernet lines available.


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